Labia majora
Outer lips reduction
Reduction surgery can be carried out when the outer lips are too big, in the same way as the small lips procedures. This stretching of the tissues commonly appears with aging or after local traumas or repeated deliveries.
Outer lips lipofilling
Over time, the perineum suffers from the consequences of aging. The fatty tissues in the outer lips melt and ptosis appears. Outer lip atrophy due to fat melting can also appear when practicing sports that traumatize the perineum.
The melting of the fat tissues in the perineum causes aesthetic and functional discomfort as the outer lips do not support the inner lips anymore.
This melting can be treated with a lipofilling in order to reshape the perineum area and to protect and cover the inner lips.
The surgery is done in the day care department in a surgical setting. The procedure is performed under general or local anesthesia combined with mild sedation.
The fat cells are usually harvested in the knee area or the inner thighs so that there are no visible marks and daily activities can be resumed immediately. Showers are advised the day following the treatment, but baths should be avoided for 15 days.
Sports activities can be done again about 3 months after surgery.
Edema will appear in the treated area. However, the result will become stable 3 to 6 months after surgery. In the case of major atrophy, lipofilling may be necessary.
Outer lips lift
An outer lip lift can be performed in order to correct perineum tissue ptosis. The scars are hidden in the natural folds, underneath the underwear. This surgery aims rejuvenate the treated area while maintaining a natural appearance.
A pubic lift may be carried out if this area is stretching. A cesarean-like scar will be made.
These surgical treatments are carried out in an operating room, under local anesthesia, potentially combined with mild sedation. Patients can return home on the very same day.
As it is the case for all perineum surgery implying scars, the first shower is permitted one day after the surgery, but baths and sport must be avoided for a period of 3 to 4 weeks.