Under-eye area

Under-eye treatment


An exclusive formulation for the under-eye area

Interview with Doctor Natalie Rajaonarivelo:

Question: Correcting the under-eye area has always been a complex procedure. What are the benefits of Redensity II Eyes?

Answer: Hyaluronic acid has been used for a long time to refill hollow under-eyes. However, this area may be sensitive because of some hyaluronic acid side effects such as a bluish tint, also called the « Tyndall effect, » granulomas, or edema. Teosyal Redensity II is specifically designed for treating the delicate eye area.

Question: Is gel more efficient and better tolerated?

Answer: The semi-cross linked formulation diminishes the risk of edema and swelling. I never noted any Tyndall effect on my patients and the results have been most impressive.

Question: How is the procedure carried out?

Answer: Injections are made in my office treatment room. A patch with a local anesthetic product can be placed before the injection if necessary.

Question: Are injections painful in this delicate area?

Answer: They are not. Patients are always surprised by the absence of pain! Injections are made through cannulas. As I do not use any needle and Redensity II contains Lidocaine, there should be no pain whatsoever.

Question: How long will the effect remain?

Answer: It lasts longer than with a traditional injection! Hyaluronic acid is more stable and the effect generally lasts between 2 and 3 years.

Question: What budget should be planned for this treatment?

In most cases, one syringe is enough to treat both eyes. The comprehensive treatment usually costs 360 € with taxes included.

> Others treatments using hyaluronic acid injections.

> Please contact Doctor Rajaonarivelo for a customized consultation.

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